Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So today I unexpectedly discovered that I'm hosting a baby shower for one of the assistant teachers. On Saturday. One of the women is pregnant and I asked my assistant if anyone was having a baby shower for her. Both of them are Filipina so I asked her if baby showers are something they do in the Philippines and she said yes. Now her English wouldn't be the best but she seemed to understand fine. And I said if there was one for her to let me know, because I wanted to get her a blanket or onesie or something for the baby.

Then today one of the other assistants says to me, 'So Saturday will be okay for you? For the party? It is okay at your apartment?" REWIND. Apparently they thought I was offering to hold a baby shower for this woman. And that baby showers aren't something they do in the Philippines. Oh, language barrier.

How do I get myself into these situations? I've never even BEEN to a baby shower. Help, please.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jokes, jokes...

I promise to write about India this week but I just want to alert the world that kindergarteners are ill prepared to understand jokes. Just in case anyone had big plans to elicit some laughs from the under fives.

Me: Ok, I'm going to tell you a joke. Do you want to hear it?!
Baybays: YES!!! Yes, Miss Batressa!
Me: Ok, so do you know what afraid means? What are you afraid of?
Baybays: Lions! Monsters! Dragons! Tigers!
Me: Ok, good! So afraid means scared. Now, why was six afraid of seven?
Baybays: Because he was a lion! Because he was a monster! (Cascades of laughter)
Me: No, because seven 'eight' nine!
Baybays: (Stunned silence).
Me: Ok, right? Because when you had your lunch before, you ATE it? Like number eight? They are the same word, right? Like number seven ATE number nine *NOM*?
Baybays: (Stunned silence).

So maybe homophones are a bit advanced for KG.

*Shout out to the lovely Kristin Heinze for the inspiration for both the title and the punny subject matter.