rather than Doha. So many of my colleagues are Irish that I've spent more of my days listening to a brogue than any Arabic. Yet being here for the last five days and knowing some Arabic has given me:
1. the frightening role of designated translator at all times
2. the realization of how little useful Arabic I remember, unless one of us needs to visit the embassy or read a UN brief and
3. free pastries!
We went into a pastry shop last night and I said thank you in Arabic and the shopkeeper proceeded to strike up a conversation with me and was so surprised and pleased that he filled up a box of pastries for me for free. Thanks Egypt! I'll obviously be a frequent customer there. DANGER considering it's only about 3 blocks away.
First day of teacher training today. I felt like an official real adult. I had two binders and a name tag (complete with lanyard) and was wearing boring teacher clothes and pumps. I have never felt so like a teacher in my whole life. More news: I'm teaching KG1 aka 3 and 4 year olds. Twenty-eight of them. Apparently kindergarten here is quite a broad range. I'm also teaching them PE, Music and Art. As well as one section of KG2 Art. Excuse me, music? These poor children are going to need remedial music lessons when I'm finished with them. Singing happy birthday in our family is kind of a plug-your-ears-grin-and-bear-it moment. Kind of excited to be that wacky kindergarten art teacher though. Perhaps there my penchant for Crayola inspired outfits will finally pass unnoticed. Or even be appreciated.
music? now that's scary...