One thing Doha does do festively though is National Day. If you recall my post from last year, you will remember that glitter, cars with children protruding from rooftops, enormous national flags, and impromptu street dancing are all involved. National Day is today- and last night Blaine and I walked along the Corniche Road and fortunately saw all of these things again. I have lots of pictures -Here's a few and I'll put the rest on Facebook if you're interested. It's such a strange display- it's a lot like the Fourth of July (my favorite holiday) except on speed because everyone is loaded and gas only costs a nickel anyway.
Reason number 527 I need a vacation:
"Omar! Do you know why you're on the sad face list?"
"For talking, Miss!"
"That's right, Omar. So what do you think you should do?"
"Stop talking, Miss!"
"That's right, Omar."
"Okay. Okay, Miss."
[Twenty five seconds later]
"Missssssssssss! I love you toooo much! CanIgotothetoilet?IcanNOTwait!"
Every. Day.
I am in love with this post.