I promise to write about India this week but I just want to alert the world that kindergarteners are ill prepared to understand jokes. Just in case anyone had big plans to elicit some laughs from the under fives.
Me: Ok, I'm going to tell you a joke. Do you want to hear it?!
Baybays: YES!!! Yes, Miss Batressa!
Me: Ok, so do you know what afraid means? What are you afraid of?
Baybays: Lions! Monsters! Dragons! Tigers!
Me: Ok, good! So afraid means scared. Now, why was six afraid of seven?
Baybays: Because he was a lion! Because he was a monster! (Cascades of laughter)
Me: No, because seven 'eight' nine!
Baybays: (Stunned silence).
Me: Ok, right? Because when you had your lunch before, you ATE it? Like number eight? They are the same word, right? Like number seven ATE number nine *NOM*?
Baybays: (Stunned silence).
So maybe homophones are a bit advanced for KG.
*Shout out to the lovely Kristin Heinze for the inspiration for both the title and the punny subject matter.
maybe start with a chicken crossed the road joke? You managed to pick a joke that requires understanding puns, math, and a language they're not proficient at :-). I'm not sure native english-speakers of that age would get it